Sunday, July 25, 2010

(mini) Goals.

I gained weight three pounds to be exact.That brings me back to 178.8. oh goodness!!!! It's frustrating but its my fault. I'm not controlling how and what I eat. I need to start planning and stop my habit of just grabbing the easiest unhealthy stuff. I know that I can do it because I've done it before. I just need to start believing in myself agian. I need to take it a day at a time
I have a couple of (mini) goals for today.
1. Exercise for 45 mins.
2. Drink h2o
3. Don't have a single cookie (I had my fair share yesterday.
4. Have snacks! (that's what screws me over, not having snacks makes me eat like a famished person)
5. Don't eat after 7:30!

I will slowly get into my healthy routine back.

Thank for reading!
Have a happy sunday :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

I totally forgot about blogging these two passed days. I've been really good in the exercise department workout out for about an hour. Did "30 day Shred", 20 minute jumprope and a few yoga poses.
The yoga poses are actually getting a bit easier, but I'm still having trouble holding them for a long amount of time. I'll get better.

Today I've been craving a lot of junk, and sadly I've given in to some, I had three Oreo cookies - my favorite! - and three chips ahoy and for 'dinner' I had a frozen burrito.
I haven't done any exercise today but am planning to get 30 minute of jump rope in today.

Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 apple, raisins.
Lunch: 1 cup of lentils 1/2 cup rice.
after lunch: 1 green monster (frozen cantaloup, mango almond milk, and spinach)
the six cookies I mentioned and a frozen burrito.

Didn't measure my water intake today =/.

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


A delicious 3 egg white omelet - 1 diced portobella mushroom, diced tomato, and spinach, 2 whole wheat toasts, 1/8 honey dew melon.
2 tuna sandwiches, with carrots on the side.
1/2 fuji apple, 1 nectarine, plain yogurt, 1/3 c granola.
2 servings of Kix cereal with almond milk (1 1/2 cups?)

I notice I need to up my veggie intake.

Water intake : roughly 80oz.
Exercise: 20 min jumprope, Yoga Poses - tree pose (getting easier), Down dog (have to bend my legs), Bow pose (oh so hard), Boat pose (hard to hold), Warrior II Pose (I think i got it down), Dancer Pose (need much more practice with my balance)

Thanks for reading!
-Rosa ;)

Monday, July 19, 2010

daily eats w/ no pics

Oatmeal - 1/2 cup of oats, raisins, 1 apple and boiling water.
1 cup of grapes
1 smoked turkey sandwich
Then went out for five hours with no snack only water. When I arrived home I had 2 sandwiches (same as lunch).
water intake:74 oz.
As for excercise I'm about to do 20 mins of jumprope and some yoga poses.

Thanks for reading and good night
-Rosa :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Standing back up and eats of the day.

I know I been M.I.A for a long long time, and I apologize for that. I have no excuse exept that I gave up.
When I hit (i think) 168.4 I was stoked, thinking finally I'm out of the 170's, then I gained and kept gaining (not much, highest 176). That's when I threw in the towel and gave up. I wasn't moping around all sad and thinking it was the end of the world (which is good right?) I was just not thinking about it having fun and enjoying myself (I still read everyones' blog - I love 'em).
My weight has been up and down from 173 to 176, at the moment I'm 175.6. On one hand I'm happy because I haven't gained a lot of weight, on the other I haven't loss much either.
But today, I woke up I remembered a blogger (I can't remember which one, but will look for it and will find it and give credit to where it belongs ;) saying something along the lines of the hardest part in doing exercise is putting on your shoes, oh boy is she right. I have three weeks without doing any kind of exercise (Jillian Michaels who?)!!! In this crazy summer all I wear are sandals. Anyways back to my point, I woke up thought about that saying and thought "I need to put my shoes on and do something about it". It took me 1 hour and a half to put them on but I did, I grabbed my jumprope and went outside for 20 mins, I also did a few yoga poses. In the end I felt GREAT.
I'm - I just started today -kind of new to yoga. It's an excited new thing to me. Thefew poses I tried were the tree pose, down dog, bow pose, boat pose (which I could only hold for 10 secs), and the warrior II pose. I'm not good at it but I'm going to practice yoga as much as possible because I want to get better at it. I will get better at it and when I'm good I will post pictures of me in the pose :).

Now onto eats of the day (only took a pic of my breakfast):
a really late Breakfast for taking my sweet time putting my shoes on:
2 whole wheat breads with peanut butter, on the side 1/4 of honey dew melon.
late Snack: Perfect Green Monster smoother for this summer weather - 1 cup almond milk, frozen cantaloupe (1/2 cup?), 2 pieces of frozen mango, and ice cubes.
lazy LINNER: (lunch and dinner) 1/2 cup of rice, 1 cup of beans x2

I might have another green monster or yogurt with fruit for a late snack.

Water intake: 60 oz so far but I'm planning to drink some more as the day passes :)

I'm not giving up that easily ;)
I'm kicking 170's in the butt.

Thank you for [still] reading.
Have a pleasant sunday evening.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Monsters, melon, bompers, ice cream, and lollipops

Need I say more?
That's all I had today and not just a little but my fair share. I didnt have one proper meal besides breakfast, the others were sporadic and full of non healthy deliciousness. Tomorrow perhaps? We'll see
Thanks for reading

weigh in 20

I know this isn't Saturday but I fell asleep before I was planning on. I do have some pics of yesterday's eats :)
Now onto my weight. I gained (.8 oz, brings my weight to 173.8) and despised knowing that I gained I went ahead and ate not very healthy.

I always start my day good with a healthy breakfast and somehow after lunch everything goes south.

Yesterday's eats:
Breakfast 1 green monster - 1 cup of almond milk, 1/2 banana, and a bunch of spinach and 2 peanut butter toasts.

No snack.
Lunch 1 progresso soup and on the side a mango

A few hours after lunch I ate a twinkie,rice and beans, candy chips. No exercise for me again.

Today is another day and I'm going to try my hardest to not do the same mistake as yesterday. I already had a green monter with oatmeal for breakfast but forgot to take a picture of it. I'll take pics of my other eats and post them here later in the day or tomorrow.

Have a happy Sunday!